Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lightweight Rucksacks Where Can I Buy A Lightweight Cheap Tarpaulin For Camping. New Or Second Hand?

Where can I buy a lightweight cheap tarpaulin for camping. new or second hand? - lightweight rucksacks

You need something to put a hammock. Must have completely waterproof and easy as I take the whole day in a backpack. 4mtrs x 4mtrs Ca. You do not pay as much as I could not use it for a long time.


imsmartk... said...

Try a Google search.

PRS said...

Walmart has something like this for between $ 4.00 - $ 40.00 depending on size.

huricane... said...

Try a hardware store or sporting good store. I know that Wal-Mart leads Tarpthat light 12 meters by 16 meters.

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