Sunday, January 17, 2010

Balance Transfer Credit How Do I Transfer A Credit Balance To Someone Elses Name?

How do I transfer a credit balance to someone elses name? - balance transfer credit

I have a family member has to pay the charge on my credit card and can not immediately, but are willing to have the charges transferred to your name.

What is the best way to extend them credit (not good) to get the charges on his behalf?

Should they get a new card to transfer a balance?
Can you transfer balances from another name?
Thank you.


NONAME said...

If you have already created an account, perhaps they can switch to use to write checks against them? Otherwise, simply call your card company and ask how to credit.

Mr B said...

Chances are if you use your card that do not have good credit, then you are probably not up to his own credit card. If you have the small print on your application for credit, which is enough to persevere with all purchases and expenses accumulated on the card to be read, irrespective of who have made them.
I suggest you stop using your card. Infact, cutting. Then arrange for their families directly to pay the debt and turn around and put the money in the credit card.

uknowhoo said...

You need to get a new card and a check on the account.

That will probably pay the fees in advance, but what can you do?

Oh, maybe, just maybe spend the money if you win.

Just a thought.

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