Saturday, January 2, 2010

Esophagitis More Condition_symptoms What Can I Do To Relieve The Acute Pain From Esophagitis?

What can I do to relieve the acute pain from esophagitis? - esophagitis more condition_symptoms

I suspect it may have esophagitis ... I episodes of severe pain in the chest at random times, and it feels like food gets stuck when I swallow. There is nothing that I can without a prescription to relieve acute pain in the chest .... cloraseptic spray? Is there anything in the obligation is better? This is only for the relief of short duration, no long-term cure


Anonymous said...

Maalox or Mylanta will help cover the esophagus, and to take Prilosec OTC, to help with burns, but it seems that you may have esophageal stenosis was stuck with food you Dr. IG might be time for an EMA and stretch again . In the meantime, remember to chew it and not all that glue stick to eat the esophagus /. Hope this helps

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