Sunday, December 20, 2009

Daily Behavior Report Card Template Need Parental Advice..for 5 Year Old, Bouncing Off Walls, Boy?

Need Parental Advice..for 5 year old, bouncing off walls, boy? - daily behavior report card template

I have a friend who is very frustrated by his son. She said she receives a daily report of misconduct. Do not follow directions / listen to the teacher. It is not yet in kindergarten, but she did not want him to act like this: Create a school in such a young age to refuse. I am not a father, but was an elementary school teacher for 5 years. I must admit that although I like his son, there are a handful, and I saw the warning signs of teachers. The solution is simple for me. You need consistent boundaries and consequences at home. I never saw when I visit him. Many behavior problems begin with the lack of parental knowledge in this area. We do not have an answer for everything. I know that one of the parents as the hardest job on earth to be. I want my opinion, but I do not want to preach sound. Any tips? Maybe you need a listener. I'm afraid to give my 2 cents, this may be a matter of defense. Thank you for your help.


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